Richard Gerver, former educator and principal from England, shines a bright light on educational leadership and vision. I first met Richard after I had interviewed his mentor, Sir Ken Robinson, on Facebook. I was immediately surprised at his giving nature to someone he had yet to meet. We Skyped and shared email conversations about our visions for education.en.
Around the WebLocalStudents
Detroit News: Student exodus saps Detroit school finances
1 minutes readby Jennifer Chambers D etroit can’t keep its schoolchildren: Each day, an estimated 25,000 school-age children go to suburban districts, leaving seats empty in classrooms citywide.More than 8,000 attend traditional districts in Oakland, Macomb and Wayne counties, while 17,000 are in suburban charters, state data from 2013-14 show.Some suburban districts, especially those in financial distress, now rely on Detroit’s children — and the state aid they bring with them — to survive.These reciprocal ties played out publicly this past week when East Detroit Public Schools, just north of Detroit’s Eight Mile border, reversed its decision to end participation in the state Schools of Choice program for students outside Macomb County.Read the rest of the story at the Detroit News
Around the WebStudents
Districts rapidly add programs to give all learners jump on...
1 minutes readBy: Matt Zalaznick District Administration, March 2015 N inth graders in North Carolina take all their classes on the campus of a major state university. Early-college high school students in Connecticut can gain an inside track to one of the world’s largest tech companies. Online and blended learners in Michigan can spend a fifth year in high school and graduate with an associate’s degree.Aside from providing a money-saving jump-start on college, the rapid spread of early-college high school programs is spurring closer collaboration between K12 and higher ed around preparing students for the rigors of college life and coursework.“This definitely provides a really good opportunity for K12 and college partners to be more explicit about their shared expectations for students,” says Joel Vargas, vice president of Jobs for the Future, a nonprofit that, among other initiatives, helps districts design early-college programs. “They have figured out a way to share responsibility for providing students an opportunity to move seamlessly into and through secondary education.”Read the rest of the story at District Administration
By Danny Kofke
A conversation with the Ministry of Education (Pueblo, MX) Antonio Arguelles.
School ModelsStudentsParentsEI DaysCommunity
After-School Becomes New Playground for Schools
0 minutes readAfter school program CEO talks about the importance of organized after-school activities in a vibrant school.
Center for Education Reform President Kara Kerwin discusses the need for new approaches to education.
K-12 TeachersCommunityParentsEducators
Leaving Old Communication Models in the Past
by Dr. Berger0 minutes readCommunication between schools and parents have evolved to include new technologies that are making it easier.
Dominic Savage, founder of the EWF, talks about its history and lessons learned as Ministries of Education join together for one powerful week in London. Savage discusses the impact one shared environment can have on Ministers as they look for commonality and shared experience amongst their colleagues.