Author Danielle Nuhfer introduces teachers to a process to help manage stress, find work-life balance, lessen burnout, and increase professional satisfaction.
OsmoAugmented and virtual realityEdTechFuture EdK-12 Teachers
Osmo: Toy or Learning System Identifying a Road to Success
1 minutes readIn the early 2010s, Google launched its file-sharing program for teachers, Reminder launched an app that allowed teachers to message students and Kahoot safely!
Author ChatsJohn Catt Educational
Finding the ‘Just Right’ Research-Based Teaching Approaches
1 minutes readAuthor Andrew Watson discusses his book The Goldilocks Map, which provides a quest to map out research-based advice in a practical, stepped approach.
Michael Pershan, discusses his book Teaching Math With Examples and shares his energy and insights on this episode of Author Chats.
Author ChatsJohn Catt Educational
Expert Strategies to Make Teaching Online a Success
2 minutes readCourtney Ostaff, author of The Teaching Online Handbook, discusses applying best practices in online education and how it intersect with classic methods.
Author ChatsJohn Catt Educational
Applying Design Thinking to Support Each Individual in the School
2 minutes readAuthor Jethro Jones examines how to transform the school experience for all stakeholders by using the concept of design thinking.
In this interview, author Tom Bennett discusses his book and how classroom behavior management is integral to the curriculum.
In this interview, author Patrice Bain examines four proven research principles she calls “power tools” that can help parents and students.
edLeadersSoundtrapEducation Today by Sountrap
A Superintendent’s Approach to Hard Conversations
3 minutes readDr. A. Katrise Perera, Superintendent of the Gresham-Barlow School District in Oregon, talks about education’s role in advancing the topic of social justice and what we value as human beings. Perera has always been passionate about the subject, and recent events have only increased the intensity of her district’s efforts.