Lynn Fuini-Hetten knows open communication with the community is vital for student success.
Outside funding has helped the district balance their budget for the last seven years running, a notable accomplishment.
Leadership that supports student learning by those who have chosen administration for the right reasons.
In this episode, Superintendent Dr. Chris Gaines shares his vision of designing Your Own High School Experience” a 21st-century learning concept.
Teacher practitioners with tools and dashboards to help propel student learning
In this episode, Jeff Dillon discusses how personalized learning changes teacher and student attitudes and home dynamics.
Our Greatest Resource: The Teacher in the Classroom
by Ian Egan6 minutes readTeaching will always be a one-on-one, face-to-face interaction despite technology in the classroom.
AdministratorsProfessional DevelopmentOnline LearningedLeaders
What is Personalized Professional Learning?
by Ian Egan7 minutes readProper PPL is the only thing that will save the PBL revolution.
School Leadership is Focused on 21st Century Students
by Ian Egan14 minutes readPersonalized learning plus Ed Tech equals education in the 21st century.