As the student loan forgiveness debate continues, it is crucial to consider this policy’s economic, social, and legal implications.
There has been much debate surrounding the death of the Department of Education. As educators, parents, and students, we need to understand the implications.
EducatorsFederalHot Topics - controversialLegislationDiversity, Equity, Inclusion
The Merit vs. Diversity Admissions Debate
3 minutes readAs the Admissions Debate between merit and diversity continues to evolve, it is essential to find a balance that ensures academic excellence and social justice.
The three Federal stimulus bills already passed are seriously spiking the available monies for schools going into the rest of 2021 and indefinitely into the future.
Texas superintendent responds to Governor Abbott’s criticism.
Federal Grants: Running with the Bulls
by Ian Egan6 minutes readNew requirements for federal grants are riskier than ever so it is important to prepare in advance
Now is the time: State Flexibility to Implement Competency Education
by Dr. Berger6 minutes readChanges within ESSA providing opportunity for transformations in schools
A New Federal Role for Competency Education
by Dr. Berger6 minutes readCombining federal flexibility with personalized learning in competency education
National voice for district Superintendents pens letter to President-Elect Trump