The U.S. Departments of Education and Justice announced Monday the completion of a tool kit designed to help ensure English language learners have access to a high-quality education.
FederalHot Topics - controversialAround the WebedLeaders
FederalHot Topics - controversialAround the WebedLeaders
From CNN: Sanders, Clinton trade shots over education plans
0 minutes readBy Dan MericaManchester, New Hampshire (CNN) – Bernie Sanders pushed back Saturday against an assertion from Hillary Clinton that her education plan is “more comprehensive” than his, another sign of the tightening contest between the two leading Democratic presidential hopefuls.Read the rest of the story at CNN Politics.
edLeadersFederalHot Topics - controversialAround the Web
Education Week: Teacher-Evaluation Reins Loosen Under NCLB Waivers
0 minutes readPhoto credit: Medill DC By Alyson KleinPerhaps no single K-12 policy is more closely associated with the Obama administration than teacher evaluations tied to student test scores, which the president and U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan have championed, first through Race to the Top, and then through No Child Left Behind Act waivers.Read the rest of the story at Education Week.
Hot Topics - controversialAround the WebedLeadersFederal
Marco Rubio: ‘We don’t need a Department of Education’
0 minutes readPhoto Credit: Paul Stevensby Michelle Riddles, Associated PressCARSON CITY, Nev. (AP) — Republican presidential hopeful Marco Rubio says the U.S. doesn’t need a federal Education Department, arguing that its recommendations to state and local governments often turn into mandates tied to money. Read the rest of the story at U.S.News.
No, I’m not running for anything, but that all-American atmosphere of anything-fried-on-a-stick along with baby-kissing, hand-shaking politicians got me thinking about what I would say to the candidates if I could have a few minutes of their time away from the crowds.So like any good educator, I did my homework. I heard candidates’ speeches and listened to reactions. I went to the candidates’ websites in search of detailed position statements and noticed that only one or two even mention education, albeit in the context of a politically vague phrase like “improve opportunity” — or if they are giving away free college tuition, always a winner with young voters.
edLeadersFederalHot Topics - controversialAround the Web
From U.S. News: Schooling the GOP Candidates
0 minutes readPhoto Credit: Theresa Thompsonby Gerard RobinsonHere’s what education activist Campbell Brown should ask the 2016 GOP hopefuls.Read the rest of the story at U.S. News and World Report.
edLeadersStateFederalAround the Web
From CBS News: Fact-checking the first GOP debate: Education
0 minutes readFormer Florida Gov. Jeb Bush again defended his support of the Common Core education standards, which are deeply unpopular within the Republican Party.Read the rest of the story at CBS News.
FederalAround the WebedLeaders
Post: Duncan wants more accountability in higher education. Easier said...
0 minutes readPhoto Credit: Medill DCby Nick AndersonEducation Secretary Arne Duncan delivered this week a dual message on accountability in higher education. He said the Obama administration aims to crack down on schools that fail to deliver what they promise to students, but he lamented that politics and bureaucracy in the system of oversight often stymies efforts to get tough on dismal school performance.Read the rest of the story at The Washington Post.
FederalHot Topics - controversialLegislationDavid Greene
On ESEA – Elementary and Secondary Education Act
by David Greene4 minutes readWhen the the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965 was passed, until 1979 when it was amended, (creating the U.S. Department of Education)