In this episode, Deborah Atwell shares her experience in the Assessment and Accountability Division of the Los Angeles County Office of Education.
Professional DevelopmentCoffeEdLocalState
Now is the time: State Flexibility to Implement Competency Education
by Dr. Berger6 minutes readChanges within ESSA providing opportunity for transformations in schools
SEAs Shift from Implementers to Designers under ESSA
by Dr. Berger8 minutes readI fondly remember the day I received my first driver’s license—and the newly found sense of independence it offered. But I also recall the realization that my freedom came with a trade-off: the huge liability of operating a vehicle. The weight of that responsibility was felt as I paid my insurance premiums, navigated a near-miss with another car in a parking lot, and of course, minded the speed limit.
Hot TopicsCommunityParentsHot Topics - controversialLegislationEditorialEducatorsK-12 TeachersLocalStateFederal
Are We Still Linking Socioeconomic Status to Student Outcomes?
2 minutes readJohn McLaughlin joined me for coffee, or should I say tea, to discuss his slightly emphatic reaction to recent studies looking at the role socioeconomic status has on students ability to achieve in U.S. schools. For additional perspective on this hot topic you might like to hear McLaughlin’s co-author Mark Claypool on this episode of CoffeED.
AdministratorsLocalStateEditorialK-12 Teachers
5 minutes readAs a result of losing students to magnet schools, military schools and charter schools school districts are faced with new fiscal challenges in addition to the budget cuts that were a result of the recent recession.
Dr. Lawrence Mussoline has worked in Pennsylvania private and public education for 36 years as a teacher and administrator. A superintendent of schools in three Pennsylvania Districts for the past …
Superintendents: Navigating the Business of Education
1 minutes readDr. Pam Homan talks about about the business of education and the role Superintendents play integrating the private sector into a districts long term plans.
edLeadersLocalCommunityAdvocatesAround the Web
NewsOK: Oklahoma County sheriff: Early childhood education helps to fight...
0 minutes readBy John Whetsel I began my law enforcement career in 1967. I served 24 years with the Choctaw Police Department before being elected sheriff 19 years ago. I’ve dedicated my …
edLeadersLocalAround the Web
WGN: Former CPS CEO Barbara Byrd-Bennett to plead guilty to...
0 minutes readThe former CEO of Chicago Public Schools will plead guilty corruption charges following a federal investigation into a $20 million no-bid contract.Barbara Byrd-Bennett was indicted Thursday, nearly four months after she resigned amid an investigation into the contract between the district and SUPES Academy, a training academy where she once worked as a consultant