As a result of losing students to magnet schools, military schools and charter schools school districts are faced with new fiscal challenges in addition to the budget cuts that were a result of the recent recession.
John McLaughlin, Ph.D. joined me for coffee to discuss recent news and research pertaining to the ever-challenging dropout issue facing public education in the U.S. McLaughlin breaks down his interpretations of the findings and sheds light on the issue of suspensions and the role they place in disengaging students from the school community. We also learn more about John’s affinity for tea as opposed to coffee too!
Dr. Randy Ziegenfuss continues our focus on leading Superintendents around the country. Ziegenfuss discusses his leadership role in a world where more students are entering a workforce structured around 1099’s as opposed to previous generations that worked with less autonomy. He talks about how to support schools and students in this environment and explores ways to improve content delivery mechanisms to meet today’s students.Â
Souderton Area School District Superintendent Frank Gallagher continues our series covering leaders around the U.S. Gallagher discusses his unscripted path to the top job and how he looks at everything from the role of data to the state of education on the eve of the Presidential election.Â
Regie Routman shares her perspective on literacy and how school leadership can positively impact learning. She breaks down how schools can develop Professional LITERACY Communities (PLC’s) rather than traditional PLC’s (Professional Learning Communities) often focused on data rather than practice. Routman also discuss the role fear plays in education and how joy can be brought back into reading and writing in school. Â
We are continuing our series on leading Superintendents around the U.S. with Mike Leichliter, Ed.D of Penn Manor School District in Pennsylvania. Leichliter talks about his career path and the role community input plays in today’s administrations.
Dr. Lawrence Mussoline has worked in Pennsylvania private and public education for 36 years as a teacher and administrator. A superintendent of schools in three Pennsylvania Districts for the past …
Dr. Steve Joel, Superintendent of Lincoln Nebraska Public Schools discusses how he and his leadership team have engaged the community to support district efforts including their Career Academy . Dr. Joel also talks about his background in education and how is path was forged along the way.
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From NPR: School Arts Advocates Cheer New Education Measure
0 minutes readIn this country, President Obama signed a new education law last week. Much of the focus has been on testing and a debate over whether the law moved too far away from rigorous standards. But one group celebrating the law advocates for arts education. NPR’s Elizabeth Blair explains why.