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Life After Graduation: The Reality of College Loans and Underemployment
5 minutes readI can remember my college graduation like it was two months ago. Which, quite frankly, it was. I stood alongside my peers, anxiously anticipating walking across the commencement stage. The many families and friends in the audience cheered as my name was called, and the President of the College theatrically shook my hand in congratulations. A photographer took my picture as I proudly held my diploma. “It’s over!” I thought, “It’s finally over!”
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Show Me The Money: Lack of Financial Literacy Education in...
3 minutes readTake a walk down memory lane with me. Imagine you’re entering the good ole’ college days again – your freshman year. You did everything in your power to avoid math classes in High School and hope to do the same now that you’ve reached higher education. Your new debit card is burning a hole in your pocket, and mom and dad are no longer around to tell you “no”. You’re officially on your own.
Today, too many students are getting away with not being immersed in economic courses. In fact, statistics show that it’s getting worse. -
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CoffeEd: Famed Singer Charlie Puth and VH1 Save The Music...
17 minutes readThe VH1 Save The Music Foundation in partnership with Grammy nominated singer Charlie Puth, and Casio America announced the 2016 winners of Keys + Kids, a competitive grant program created in response to the lack of functional pianos in public schools.
The 18 winning schools will receive a piano grant valued at $10,000 of instruments, including a Casio Grand Hybrid piano and three keyboards to support their school’s music, drama, and community programs.
Early CareerSeriesK-12 Teachers
EdLevity: Uncle Curmudgeon Gives Aspiring Teachers The Lowdown on Homework
7 minutes readEvery now and then, I come across a letter from Uncle Curmudgeon, an old retired teacher, to his niece, Kennari, an aspiring new one. I’m happy to pass another along!
EducatorsEarly CareerColumnistsInterviews
ASCD: Importance of Teacher Education Prep Programs
1 minutes readEmily Davis, ASCD Emerging Leader, is the New Teacher Center Program Director, Santa Cruz/Silicon Valley New Teacher Project. Davis is also the author of Making Mentoring Work. Davis stalks about her work and the topics currently driving education. Summary of Making Mentoring Work (published by Rowman and Littlefield): Making Mentoring Work is a practical guide for school leaders interested in beginning or enhancing their mentoring programs for new teachers. Readers can use the mentoring program rubric to pre-assess their program and then choose the chapters that correspond to areas of growth. Each chapter provides background research as well as practical steps and tools to make mentoring work in a school environment. At the end of each section, readers will find discussion guides that support program leaders in making the next steps; organizing conversations with stakeholders that will transform and streamline new teacher support programs; and increase new teacher retention and practice.