The future of education holds great promise – learn why competency-based education is the most sustainable and compelling model to train future teachers.
K-12 Teachers
EducatorsK-12 TeachersEdTechProfessional Development
How to Tell if Your Edtech Integration is Successful
5 minutes readThe goal of any edtech integration should be to advance student learning outcomes. How do you properly assess those outcomes and the impact of your technology?
As new technology enters our classroom, educators must focus on building agile skills that will allow students to learn how to safely navigate these tools.
Safer Ed Episode 3 – show host and a guest, Jacqueline Monteith, discuss STEAM Safety for Students with additional needs.
EducatorsK-12 TeachersStudents
3 Tools Students Need To Tackle Injustice
by Kathy Dyer4 minutes readStudents need knowledge, skills, and values to learn about social justice and tackle injustice, helping those who need help or an advocate.
Monthly TopicK-12 TeachersStudentsOp-EdSocial Emotional Learning
Teaching the Teachers: SEL for K-12 Success
4 minutes readLearn how post-secondary schools of education can prepare the next-generation K-12 teachers to incorporate SEL in the classroom for student success.
K-12 TeachersAdministratorsBarbara BlackburnProject-based learning
Rigor in the Career Technical Classroom
5 minutes readRigor is more about quality than quantity and focuses on depth of understanding, this is particularly true in career technical learning.
EducatorsK-12 TeachersAdministratorsEdTech
Agile For Learning – Part 1: Wide Open Questions
3 minutes readThe shift we must focus on is the development of Agile For Learning. This is distinctly different from a growth or fixed mindset.
EducatorsK-12 TeachersProfessional Development
Revisiting the Power of Independent Reading
by Marie Havran3 minutes readFor effective independent reading, students must spend a substantial amount of time applying reading skills and strategies taught to them to reach proficiency.