Adapted for personal goals, the SWOT Analysis is one of the most powerful tools you can use to find a perfect and monetizable career.
K-12 Teachers
K-12 TeachersAdministratorsProfessional Development
3 Tips to Become an Agile Administrator
5 minutes readAn Agile administrator eases the burden of work for everyone. Using Agile, you can run entire schools, manage people, and problem-solve in real time.
InnovationEdTechProfessional DevelopmentK-12 TeachersAdministrators
Using Kanban Boards to Create Learning Benefits
4 minutes readKanban boards were created to make work visible and efficient in the workplace. In the classroom, they teach students how truly collaborate as a team.
Professional DevelopmentEducatorsK-12 TeachersAdministrators
7 Middle School Career Exploration Tips
3 minutes readCareer Exploration Tips. If administrators support students, they can find their passions and the paths to their dream careers.
When a child gets a video game, what is the first thought that comes to mind? Let’s discuss some of the anxiety and expectancy of video games and childhood/parent psychology.
AdministratorsProfessional DevelopmentEducatorsK-12 TeachersedLeaders
Safer STEM Learning is a Necessity
15 minutes readIt is essential that all science teachers, have an understanding of how to create environments that support safer STEM learning.
K-12 TeachersAdministratorsPronita MehrotraMarket Research
When EdTech Tools Work and When They Don’t
4 minutes readDespite the vast potential of edTech tools, they can inadvertently create situations where student learning gets negatively impacted.
K-12 TeachersAdministratorsProfessional Development
The Importance of Chemical Hygiene Plans in School Districts
12 minutes readThe Importance of Chemical Hygiene Plans in School Districts – lack of awareness across elementary, middle, and high school science programs and the cavalier attitude towards safety compliance.
Project-based learningEducatorsK-12 TeachersProfessional Development
Using Student Self-Selected Groups For Classroom Success
4 minutes readStudents have strong opinions about how teams should work, this article outlines how to use Student self-selected groups for success.