EdTech quandary – student growth vs. teacher acceptance
CoffeEdEducatorsK-12 Teachers
by EdCircuit Staff & Amy Burns1 minutes readIn this episode, Amy Burns shares her unwavering commitment to her students and forward-thinking approach to incorporating music technology.
EducatorsK-12 Teachers
Mathematical Relevance: An Often Missing Component of Math Instruction
by Ian Egan10 minutes readUsing relevance in math to keep students continually interested
Bringing dynamism and inquiry learning to the classroom replaces didactic teaching and a reliance on the “designated answerer”
Developing K-8 Learning Interfaces for Schools
by EdCircuit Staff & Mark Wu1 minutes readIn this episode, Mark Wu, Co-Founder & CEO of Nexed, discusses the “hand-me-down” mentality surrounding education technology innovations.
EducatorsK-12 TeachersAugmented and virtual reality
Phenomena-Based Learning and Digital Content
by Ian Egan6 minutes readSustaining student engagement through phenomena-based and digital learning
Opening up the classroom brings needed vitality and challenges students to become lifelong learners
Special needs students can live up to high expectations if the instruction is accompanied by appropriate support strategies.
EducatorsK-12 Teachers
Becoming a Teacher and a Leader In Today’s Classroom
by Ian Egan5 minutes readEducators taking a more active role in improving school learning