Straight from the latest edition of The R&R Show check out Richard Byrne’s advice on making edtech work for you! Remember to check out weekly editions of The R&R Show for the latest news on edtech from users all over the world. As always, if you have a question please send questions via #AskRichardByrne on Twitter
Straight from the latest edition of The R&R Show check out Richard Byrne’s advice on making edtech work for you! Remember to check out weekly editions of The R&R Show for the latest news on edtech from users all over the world. As always, if you have a question please send questions via #AskRichardByrne on Twitter
SeriesK-12 TeachersEarly Career
EdLevity: Uncle Curmudgeon Gives Aspiring Teachers The Lowdown on Homework
7 minutes readEvery now and then, I come across a letter from Uncle Curmudgeon, an old retired teacher, to his niece, Kennari, an aspiring new one. I’m happy to pass another along!
Last week we published an Around the Web article, Is the U.S. All Wrong? Teacher Training Breaking the Mold, that garnered a lot of conversation. Education thought leader Regie Routman provides her perspective discussing the role Professional Development/Learning play in educating teachers.
by Mike Anderson “Have you ever noticed that a third year teacher and a 30-year teacher have the same job description?” This question, posed to me a while back by a colleague, seems particularly important in light of a report from the Alliance for Excellent Education released last summer.
EducatorsK-12 TeachersGlobalAround the Web
The Independent: Teacher pay chart shows world’s highest earning teachers
0 minutes readTeachers in England are among the best paid in the world – but they fall far behind those in Luxembourg, where those in the profession can expect to get paid more than £60,000 a year.
EducatorsK-12 TeachersAround the Web
ABC News: Florida Teacher Starts Each Day Complimenting Students One...
0 minutes readBy Genevieve Shaw Brown
K-12 TeachersAround the WebEducators
From U.S. News & World Report: Taking the Teaching Profession...
0 minutes readBy Lauren Camera
Matt Harris, Ed.D recently moved from Singapore to Jakarta to serve as the Deputy Head for Learning Technology at the British School of Jakarta, Indonesia. Harris talks about how the US education system is viewed from around the world and shares the impact multiple stops have had on his family. Harris discusses how to get involved as an international educator and answers the who, what, where and why if you want to expand your professional experiences.