Schools can definitely be fined for non-compliance with legal safety standards and not using accepted better professional safety practices in STEAM Safety.
STEAM in Education
K-12 TeachersedLeadersSTEAM in EducationSuperintendentsScience Safety
K-12 TeachersSTEAM in EducationDiscovery Education
Scientific Learning: Phenomena and Questions
by Ted Willard5 minutes readOne of the greatest experiences for a scientist is the moment they figure something out. Notice how questions play in the process of scientific learning.
EducatorsK-12 TeachersedLeadersAdministratorsSTEAM in Education
STEAM Safety Advice for New Teachers
10 minutes readSTEAM Safety Advice for New Teachers featuring legal safety standards and better professional safer practices. Must read for all educators!
edLeadersAdministratorsSTEAM in EducationSchool Safety
Risk Management in K12 STEAM Programs: Part 2
13 minutes readRisk Management in K12 STEAM is about understanding the hazards and resulting risks in STEAM programs as a necessary aspect of reducing shared liability.
The topic of responsible STEM chemical management is difficult due to the complicated and challenging nature of the legal and professional safety standards.
Professional DevelopmentSTEAM in EducationSchool SafetyEducatorsAdministrators
Safety Training in STEM and CTE Programs a Necessity
16 minutes readSafety Training in STEM and CTE, why is it necessary and why you should do it.
EducatorsSTEAM in EducationSchool SafetyScience Safety
STEM Legal Liability in Schools – Improved Safety
15 minutes readLet’s spend some time discussing STEM Legal Liability in schools and the hazards involved with chemical handling and the entire chemical hygiene program
Online LearningSTEAM in EducationSchool Safety
Better Science and STEM Safety Approaches for New Teachers
12 minutes readNew Teacher Science and STEM Safety Approaches – Safer science is critical for the teacher as an instructor and employee and for the student as a learner.
Social Emotional LearningCreativitySTEAM in EducationTamara Fyke
3 Tips to Process Change and Loss
by Tamara Fyke2 minutes read3 Tips to Process Change and Loss, exploring the theme of autumn as a backdrop for providing educator tips in helping students process change and loss.