This generation of educators is experiencing a rising level of stress that is affecting collective teacher mental health.
Professional Development
EditorialProfessional DevelopmentEdu Entrepreneurs
Does Memorization Still Matter in Education?
by Andrew Cohen4 minutes readBrainscape’s CEO, Andrew Cohen, breaks down the interplay between knowledge acquisition, memorization, and skill development in education.
EducatorsK-12 TeachersProfessional Development
A Successful Career Development Program in Action
by Chaz Austin & Mary Cannon6 minutes readMy Doctoral Dissertation was Integrating a Career Development Course Program into a College Curriculum. And Mary Cannon, SUNY Geneseo, did that.
EdTechProfessional DevelopmentEducatorsedLeadersInnovation
Agile in the Civics Classroom
6 minutes readAgile in the Civics Classroom provides a way for people to collaborate on diverse teams, share information, adapt to new challenges, and problem-solve.
K-12 TeachersInnovationEdTechProfessional DevelopmentEducators
Kanban Board Keys for Teacher Success
5 minutes readThe function of a Kanban board is to open lines of communication between teams. These tips can support teachers in operating these functions.
edLeadersAdministratorsProfessional DevelopmentEducatorsK-12 Teachers
Curriculum Planning for Students with Additional Needs
5 minutes readDeveloping a Curriculum for students with additional needs requires strategies including OPTIMIZE planning, blocking, and interleaving practice.
EducatorsK-12 TeachersEdTechProfessional Development
How to Tell if Your Edtech Integration is Successful
5 minutes readThe goal of any edtech integration should be to advance student learning outcomes. How do you properly assess those outcomes and the impact of your technology?
EducatorsK-12 TeachersProfessional Development
Revisiting the Power of Independent Reading
by Marie Havran3 minutes readFor effective independent reading, students must spend a substantial amount of time applying reading skills and strategies taught to them to reach proficiency.
EducatorsK-12 TeachersProfessional DevelopmentHidden
Not All Students Can Be Renaissance Learners
by Todd Stanley6 minutes readNot everyone can master multiple subjects and yet, education is still built around making students Renaissance Learners. This article addresses that paradox.