Home InnovationEdTech FETC 2019 Presenter Preview: Adam Bellow

FETC 2019 Presenter Preview: Adam Bellow

FETC 2019 presenter Adam Bellow
4 minutes read

Getting to know the presenters at FETC 19 As we enter the month of FETC 2019, we are continuing our series of interviews with conference presenters. Many of the edtech leaders we spoke with prior to last year’s conference are presenting once again at 2019’s premier edtech event, so now is a fantastic time to catch up on those conversations.

Next up in the series is Adam Bellow, who will once again be part of the TechSHARE LIVE! Keynote and will also present three additional sessions. As Co-Founder of Breakout EDU, an immersive gaming platform, Adam has focused his efforts on infusing technology into school reformation. He sees edtech as an organically driven, ground-up effort managed by classroom teachers who latch onto learning tools and make them work. As Adam states, “We don’t need another flashier, sexier clone.” Teachers need something unique and from the heart to solve the real challenges they are facing.

Join us as we revisit Adam’s interview with Dr. Berger and read below to get a preview of the sessions he will be presenting at FETC 2019 in Orlando.

Adam Bellow’s Sessions at FETC 2019:

Session KEY2 | TechSHARE LIVE!

  • Room: SOUTH HALL A
  • Tuesday, January 29, 2019: 8:30 AM – 9:45 AM


An attendee favorite — back by popular demand! Join us for a fun and fast-paced session that exposes the audience to cutting-edge tools and devices in education technology! Get a first look at the latest, most exciting gadgets, apps, hardware, and software through the eyes of educational technology’s leading experts: Adam Bellow, Hall Davidson, Leslie Fisher, and Kathy Schrock. Boost your enthusiasm for the possibilities of technology to radically transform education. See technologies in action that involve learners in creating, making, programming, coding, producing, innovating, inventing, designing, problem-solving, publishing, and more!

$W248 | Level Up Learning with Breakout EDU

  • Room: SOUTH 331B
  • Wednesday, January 30, 2019: 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM


Do you want to bring immersive learning to your classroom but don’t know where to start? What if we told you that it could be done through a game similar to an escape room? You can get it all with Breakout EDU. This workshop is meant as a total experience that lets you both try a game out and take time to build your own. Come learn a way that will get your students truly excited about learning!

MEGA7 | Celebrating the Very Best of Edupreneurship

  • Room: SOUTH HALL A
  • Wednesday, January 30, 2019: 3:00 PM – 3:40 PM


We’re in a golden age of invention and innovation. Every day, we are dazzled by inspiring products, apps, ideas, and movements, many crafted by teacher and student entrepreneurs. This session will share spectacular successes (and a few epic failures) from those daring individuals committed to bringing great ideas to life. We will demonstrate how students can achieve success in the real world when schools provide them with the skills, tools, and mindset to push on their own boundaries.

C130 | Student Game Design With Breakout EDU

  • Room: NORTH 220AB
  • Tuesday, January 29, 2019: 2:00 PM – 2:40 PM


Playing a Breakout EDU game is a ton of fun. Now students can challenge themselves to create games on the Breakout EDU Platform. This interactive session will go through the how and why of game design with students and allow you to work on creating your own games as well.

FETC registered logoFETC registration 2019


Adam Bellow is a dedicated educational technologist and father of two young boys. Adam is the co-founder of Breakout EDU, the immersive gaming platform that enables teachers and students to turn their classrooms into a place of discovery and inquiry-based learning. Before that, he served as a Presidential Innovation Fellow for the White House. Over the past decade, Bellow has created several popular edtech learning platforms including eduTecher, eduClipper, and WeLearnedIt.

Bellow has written several books about educational technology and he is also serving as a board member for the EdCamp Foundation in addition to speaking internationally about education and the power of technology to enhance learning.

View Adam’s full HuffPost interview EdTech Built for Need Not Flair

Hear more from Adam bellow and other innovative analysts, thought leaders, and educators at the 2019 Future of Education Technology Conference (FETC), January 27-30 in Orlando, Florida. Learn more here.

  1. edCircuit – Salman Khan to Give Opening Keynote at 2019 Future of Education Technology Conference
  2. Getting Smart – 26 Can’t-Miss Education Conferences for 2019
  3. Amplify – FETC 2019

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