
Future of EdTech Devices

Using Social Media to Listen and Learn from Students

Eric Stoller | Inside Higher Ed | Twitter

It’s been almost 2 years since I wrote a post on Using Social Media to Listen and Learn about UK Higher Education.

In that post, I shared how I was able to quickly increase my knowledge of UK higher education and expand my network within the sector. Fast forward to 2017 and the use of social media for listening and learning is just as useful as ever.

At the end of last year, Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter, asked for feedback (feature requests, site/app issues, etc.) from users of the social media platform.

While Twitter is still one of the most-used social media sites/apps, it doesn’t have the size/clout/dominance of Facebook (FB includes Instagram, WhatsApp, Messenger, etc.) or the fiery growth of Snapchat. Twitter has had severe problems with hate speech, aggressive trolling, and an abysmally slow pace for new feature introduction.

To learn more visit Inside Higher Ed

Just One Hour a Day on Social Media Makes Teens Miserable

Nicole Spector | NBC News | Twitter

Social media sites help us stay connected, but for younger teens, the cost of online connectivity can be steep.

A recent report, “Social Media Use and Children’s Wellbeing,” published by IZA Institute of Labor Economics, found that kids between 10 and 15 who spend as little as one hour a day chatting on social networks are overall less content.

To read more visit NBC News

3 Tips to Prepare Schools for Connected Devices

Erin Brereton | EdTech | Twitter

Whether they’re tracking student engagement or enabling experiential learning, wearable devices hold particular promise in K–12 education.

The New Media Consortium (NMC) predicts the technology is only four to five years away from achieving widespread use in the space. With that in mind, some schools already have big plans for the future.

For example, technology-centric charter school Washington Leadership Academy in Washington, D.C., will next year reimagine chemistry class by using virtual reality (VR) headsets to provide hands-on learning opportunities.

To read more visit EdTech

01/16/2017 | Montgomery, MD | The Washington Post

How one mother discovered a problem with special education and got legislators to help try to fix it

Valerie Strauss | The Washington Post | Twitter

Katherine Spurlock is a former public school teacher who moved to Montgomery County, Md., from a tiny school district in New York and wanted to ensure that her daughter, who has dyslexia, received appropriate interventions and placement in school.

As she worked through the system, she discovered some things that shocked her, including this: The county did not have any data showing how much money was being spent on early academic or behavioral interventions for students who need them. Nor did any other county in Maryland and probably most public school districts in the country.

To read more visit The Washington Post

  1. EducationDIVE – Department of Education offers schools new ed tech evaluation tool
  2. educationworld – How Will a Trump Admin Impact Tech in Schools? Office of Ed Tech Defines Goals
  3. EdTech Magazine – K-12 Schools Embrace Anytime, Anywhere Learning
  • Since 2014, Mind Rocket Media Group, as a strategic advisory and digital marketing communications company, has been working with authors, leaders, educators, change-makers, education organizations and edTech companies to produce insightful, engaging and thought-provoking education content.

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