Home Keeping Schools Safe From Immigration Politics

Keeping Schools Safe From Immigration Politics

1 minutes read
immigration policy

We had the opportunity to sit down recently with Dr. Steve Joel, superintendent of the Lincoln Public School District in Lincoln, Nebraska, to discuss the growing support amongst superintendents in this country. Joel shared his enthusiasm for a network boosted by The School Superintendents Association (AASA) that provides a year-round commitment to solving challenges that all districts face.

One of the real fears and concerns across the country right now is, what if President-Elect Trump follows through on his commitment to deport 11 million people?
Commenting on topical issues in education, Joel expressed a shared concern among superintendents about possible new challenges ahead with the Trump administration and the new Secretary of Education. According to Joel, “One of the real fears and concerns across the country right now is, what if President-Elect Trump follows through on his commitment to deport 11 million people? How will that affect those in refugee resettlement communities?”

Schools Should be Safe

Resettlement is a hot topic for Joel as he fought passionately in 2006 to repair his district after a disastrous ICE (Immigration & Customs Enforcement) raid “ripped the guts” out of his community. Joel believes it’s imperative that schools remain safe environments for children and not ambush centers for federal raids. Students should never be used for the purpose of getting to parents. It’s good to know that Joel can rest easier knowing that he has the support of a network of superintendents on his side.
*This post was originally published on The Huffington Post.

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  • Dr. Steve Joel is the Superintendent of Lincoln Public Schools. A native of Long Island, New York, with degrees from Doane College, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and Kansas State, Dr. Joel has extensive experience as a superintendent in Kansas and Nebraska. Prior to coming to Lincoln, he served for ten years as superintendent in Grand Island and eight years in Beatrice.

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