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Literacy’s Relationship with Education

Regie Routman shares her perspective on literacy and how school leadership can positively impact learning. She breaks down how schools can develop Professional LITERACY Communities (PLC's) rather than traditional PLC's (Professional Learning Communities) often focused on data rather than practice. Routman also discuss the role fear plays in education and how joy can be brought back into reading and writing in school.  
1 minutes read

Regie Routman shares her perspective on literacy and how school leadership can positively impact learning. She breaks down how schools can develop Professional LITERACY Communities (PLC’s) rather than traditional PLC’s (Professional Learning Communities) often focused on data rather than practice. Routman also discuss the role fear plays in education and how joy can be brought back into reading and writing in school.  

Routman explains how she navigates difficult conversations with Principals and methods to improve communication with their teachers drawing examples from her new ASCD book, Read, Write, Lead: Breakthrough Strategies for Schoolwide Literacy Success. Her 45 years in education shine a light on the core components of successful educational environments and professional practice. Recently, Routman shared her perspective on recent research tabbing the U.S. as one of the weakest countries in the preparation of next generation educators. 

Interview Guest

REGIE ROUTMAN has more than four decades of experience as a classroom teacher, mentor teacher, literacy coach, and leader working in diverse classrooms and schools across the U.S. and Canada. Currently, her work involves mentoring leaders and teachers in diverse, underperforming schools and districts where she collaborates to improve reading and writing achievement.

Her many research-based books and resources demonstrate and support teachers and principals in how to create and sustain effective, efficient, and joyful school cultures where all learners thrive. Her latest book is Read, Write, Lead: Breakthrough Strategies for Schoolwide Literacy Success (ASCD, 2014). For full information on Regie’s publications, PD offerings, and blog, see www.regieroutman.org  

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