Home Education Industry EventsISTE Uncovering A Respect Based Philosophy: ISTE Live Day Three Recap

Uncovering A Respect Based Philosophy: ISTE Live Day Three Recap

Welcome to the recap of ISTELive22 day three! Today we will look at how we learned and connected on the expo floor, celebrated reading, and explored respect-based philosophy on the main stage.
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Welcome to the recap of ISTELive22 day three! If you haven’t read our day one or two recaps, check it out. Today we will look at how we learned and connected on the expo floor, celebrated reading, and explored respect-based philosophy on the main stage.

Take A Look

Day three was the second day of the expo floor, a continuation of the opportunity for vendors and educators to learn and make meaningful connections. Walking through the expo floor, you can survey the newest and most well-known names in EdTech. As the conference closes today, make sure to check out some of our friends’ booths: 

  • Osmo (Byju’s): Booth #3130
  • iTutor: Booth # 2920
  • Soundtrap for Education: Booth # 1334 
  • Curriculum Associates: Booth # 2334 

OSMO – Byju’s

OSMO – Byju’s

Soundtrap for Education 



A very exciting special guest at the Byju’s booth was Reading Rainbow host and new Osmo Chief Reading Officer Levar Burton. Levar discussed the role that technology and reading play in the future of technology. Thank you for your time and wisdom, Levar!

Developing a Philosophical Toolbox

There are five main building blocks to Social Emotional Learning (SEL): Self-awareness, Self-management, Social Awareness, Relationship Skills, and Responsible Decision-Making. The main stage for day three was chock-full of thought leaders ready to lead with social-emotional learning. Alyssa Carson, Robert George, Mary Jo Madda, and Dr. Cornel West. A key lesson was experimentation and acceptance of failures in life as growth opportunities. Because by supporting trial and error, we truly learn.

Another excellent thought leader on the panel was Dr. Cornel West. As a professor of philosophy and public thinker, Dr. West left us with a palpable SEL lesson. “So many people don’t feel like they get respect. To be respected is not to have people agree with you. Being respected means that someone takes the time to follow through on whether they agree or disagree… how that is enacted is the real struggle.”

We all deserve respect, and we hope that even in the most contentious debates around education, we can take a moment to face the struggle of showing respect. No matter what part of the education system you are, vendor or educator, this is essential moving forward in the 2022-2023 school year to create growth. 

We hope you enjoy the rest of the ISTE, and we look forward to recapping the whole conference tomorrow!

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