edCircuit’s Fall 2017 Educational Conference Recommendations.
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Teaching will always be a one-on-one, face-to-face interaction despite technology in the classroom.
Dyslexics who understand why their brain works the way it does learn coping mechanisms sooner.
Wicked problems don’t have a single, simple solution.
Creativity and innovation are the skills of the future.
Proper PPL is the only thing that will save the PBL revolution.
Personalized learning plus Ed Tech equals education in the 21st century.
Students gaming are more engaged and they are learning.
The basic mindset MUST change for PBL to succeed.
Acceleration gives students the answers before the lesson is even taught.
Student ownership of learning leads to a personal education journey.
Charter schools are specializations in education that may be inevitable.
Disciplinary literacy explicitly teaches how to read, write, and communicate as historians, mathematicians, scientists, etc.
Communication and marketing is a large part of the job.
Open source software developed by teachers is filling the holes in commercial EdTech products.