by Ashley Fantz and AnneClaire Stapleton(CNN) When Ahmed Mohamed went to his high school in Irving, Texas, Monday, he was so excited. A teenager with dreams of becoming an engineer, he wanted to show his teacher the digital clock he’d made from a pencil case.Read the rest of the story at
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edLeadersLocalAround the Web
De Blasio to Announce 10-Year Deadline to Offer Computer Science...
0 minutes readPhoto credit: Bill de Blasioby Kate Taylor and Claire Cain MillerTo ensure that every child can learn the skills required to work in New York City’s fast-growing technology sector, Mayor Bill de Blasio will announce on Wednesday that within 10 years all of the city’s public schools will be required to offer computer science to all students.Read the rest of the story at The New York Times.
CommunityGlobalHot Topics - controversialAround the Web
From BBC News: Computers ‘do not improve’ pupil results, says...
0 minutes readBy Sean Coughlan, Education CorrespondentInvesting heavily in school computers and classroom technology does not improve pupils’ performance, says a global study from the OECD.Read the rest of the story at BBC News.
InnovationSchool ModelsAround the Web
From NBC News: The Education Start-Up Backed by Mark Zuckerberg
0 minutes readPhoto credit: The Crunchiesby Harriet TaylorThis week, children across the country went back to school, and many are going into pilot programs started, sponsored or aided by Silicon Valley.The goal is to better equip the next generation with the science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) skills needed for the high tech jobs of the future.Read the rest of the story at NBC News.
ParentsAdvocatesHot Topics - controversialAround the WebCommunity
In Chicago, neighborhood organizers go on hunger strike — to...
0 minutes readPhoto credit: Christopher Webbby The Takeaway’s T.J. RaphaelA dozen parents and community activists in Chicago are on hunger strike over by a proposal from Chicago’s public schools to turn their community high school into an arts magnet. Read and listen to the story at
edLeadersLocalSchool ModelsCommunityAdvocatesAround the Web
Washington’s charter schools: Officials can’t agree on how to save...
0 minutes readby Debbie Cafazzo and Melissa SantosA week after the state Supreme Court declared Washington’s charter schools unconstitutional, the outlook for salvaging the voter-approved system of privately run, publicly funded schools is unclear.Read the rest of the story at The News Tribune.
Around the WebCommunityHot Topics - controversial
American adults get a D in science; 22% confuse astronomy...
0 minutes readPhoto credit: futurescienceleaders.orgby Karen KaplanAmericans get a D in science.So says the Pew Research Center, which issued a report Thursday on the state of the nation’s knowledge regarding some basic scientific facts.Read the rest of the story in the L.A. Times.
ParentsAround the WebCommunityStudents
The Literacy Site Blog: Bulging Backpacks: 10 Ways to Lighten...
0 minutes readPhoto credit: WoodleywonderworksSchool children have to carry a heavy load of notebooks, supplies and textbooks, resulting in a bulky backpack that can affect their posture and cause chronic pain. The American Chiropractic Association recommends that a child’s backpack should weigh less than 10 percent of the child’s body weight, so here are some things you can do to lighten the load.Read the rest of the story on The Literacy Site Blog.
Hot Topics - controversialAround the Web
Candidates slam Common Core, but education standards take root
0 minutes readby Andy Sullivan, ReutersWASHINGTON (Reuters) – On the campaign trail, Republican presidential candidates vow to roll back new U.S. education standards known as the Common Core.In the classroom, the multi-state guidelines increasingly look like they’re here to stay.Read the rest of the story at Yahoo! News.