Photo credit Gennaro Viscianoby Tim JonesCollege is a funny thing. It’s full of scholarly pursuits in the halls of academe, centuries-old institutions with cherished seals, histories of tradition, prestigious alumni, trustees, chancellors, regalia, committees on committees, formal ceremonies, and countless other idiosyncrasies.Read the rest of the story at Inside Higher Ed.
Market TrendsAround the WebGlobalBusiness
BBC News: S. Korea – Where education is boosting consumer...
0 minutes readWhen it comes to education in South Korea, the demand is so strong it accounts for 12% of all consumer spending.BBC reporter Steve Evans met with one South Korean teacher who is earning a high salary to teach English. You can watch the story at BBC News.
Curriculum ModelsSocial Emotional LearningColumnistsEdu EntrepreneursInterviewsK-12 Teachers
Newsela Redefines the Student News Experience
5 minutes readStudent access to relevant information and news continues to expand with technology advancements. I had the opportunity to interview Matthew Gross, CEO and co-founder, of Newsela. The Newsela team brings students current events and news aligning with current standards expected in today’s classroom.
Hot Topics - controversialInnovationSchool ModelsBusiness
School security beyond walls: A Q&A with Mike Richez
4 minutes readedCircuit recently had a chance to talk with Mike Richez about school security and approaches that schools and businesses are taking to address this issue. Richez is the Executive Vice President of Business Development for OSC World and a former school administrator.
BusinessAround the Web
Corinthian Colleges Shuts Down, Ending Classes for 16,000 Overnight
1 minutes readby M. Alex Johnson I n what’s believed to be the biggest shutdown in the history of higher education in the United States, Corinthian Colleges said Sunday it’s closing its remaining 28 for-profit schools effective immediately, kicking about 16,000 students out of school.Corinthian, based in Santa Ana, California, said in a statement and an email to students that it would lean on government agencies and other institutions to place the students, who were enrolled at Heald College locations in California, Hawaii and Oregon and at Everest and WyoTech locations in California, Arizona and New York.Read the rest of the story at NBC News.
N o living person is more closely linked with the concept of business leadership than Jack Welch. Even for those who have never put a foot on the corporate ladder, who couldn’t tell Six Sigma from Six Flags, Welch’s name is instantly recognizable. During his time as CEO of GE — a two-decade span that started in 1981 — he took it from a $14 billion company that was thought of mostly as fine but lumbering to a $500 billion one that was fast, full of talent and willing to take risks (though GE is now unwinding some of those big bets).
Around the WebInvestors
Bloomberg: Mark Cuban Wants Companies That Keep Students in College
0 minutes read// Mark Cuban talks with Bloomberg’s Cory Johnson about the education market while at the ASU GSV Education Summit in Scottsdale, Arizona.
BusinessEdu Entrepreneurs
New USDOE OET Guide Speaks to Developers, Startups & Entrepreneurs...
1 minutes readOpportunities abound for software designers and developers to create impactful tools for teachers, school leaders, students, and their families. This guide for developers, startups and entrepreneurs addresses key questions about the education ecosystem and highlights critical needs and opportunities to develop digital tools and apps for learning.
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What’s the biggest challenge for education entrepreneurs?
0 minutes readEI Days experts talk about the challenges edtech entrepreneurs face in education.