A questionnaire that can quickly analyze the direction schools and districts can go in if they have to shut down.
LeiLani Cauthen
Project-based learningLeiLani CauthenHybrid and Remote Learning
Can public education survive? – Without a doubt. Will public education change? The answer is yes, and it is making long strides even now.
Future EdLeiLani Cauthen
Schools Say Highest Pressure Stems from Their Students’ Social and...
7 minutes readNew data from a 2019 Survey indicates that 58 percent of schools now rate their highest pressure as their student’s social and emotional needs.
Professional DevelopmentFuture EdLeiLani CauthenHybrid and Remote Learning
The Digital Disruption in Education: Enough Is Not Enough
7 minutes readEducation’s digital disruption and the transition seem to be taking their toll on everyone involved. Is it just growing pains, or are we sliding down a slope?
Total spending on digital education resources topped $7.2 billion in 2015. Defining the Chaos of Digital Curriculum
Technology is both destroying and evolving education at the same time.