Why we need Education Reform-The COVID-19 pandemic is literally education’s wake up call to make a change. This article explores some suggested reforms.
Op-EdCovid-19Augmented and virtual realityCharles SosnikParents
Don’t Let Your Students’ Education Die From Embarrassment
4 minutes readOne of the biggest obstacles to successfully educating students during this trial and error period of virtual learning is the AWOL student.
Barbara BlackburnCovid-19Cybersecurity
3 Strategies for Handling Make-up Work for Absentee Students
3 minutes readBarbara Blackburn, Ph.D., reflects on her time as a teacher and how she handled chronic absenteeism with struggling students.
Connecting with KidsCovid-19Hybrid and Remote Learning
Connecting with Kids: Emotions in the Era of COVID-19
by4 minutes readDuring times of uncertainty and especially times that are out of our control, what we can control is critical.
Hybrid and Remote LearningSocial Emotional LearningProject-based learningProfessional DevelopmentTamara Fyke
A World of Possibilities
by Tamara Fyke4 minutes readWhat will education will look like on the other side of this pandemic.
Pronita MehrotraCovid-19Project-based learningCreativity
3 Creative Games to Use in Remote Learning
5 minutes readWarm-up games that not only build creativity but also teach students how to use remote learning platforms and develop good habits.
LegislationHybrid and Remote LearningCharles Sosnik
Why You Should Care About the CARES Act
3 minutes readA look at the education funding part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act
Todd StanleyCovid-19Hybrid and Remote LearningProject-based learning
19 Things to Enrich Students During COVID-19
by Todd Stanley10 minutes readTodd Stanley shares 19 learning opportunities that students can consider while fighting the quarantine blues and prevent them from going stir crazy.
Hybrid and Remote Learningdr michael hart
Remote Learning Recommendations to Support Dyslexic Students
by Michael Hart4 minutes readDuring this pandemic, patience is needed in adopting remote learning platforms, especially for those with dyslexia and learning differences.