Author and educator Todd Stanley suggests that districts should allow teachers to choose what professional development would be meaningful to them.
Todd StanleyProfessional DevelopmentProject-based learning
Can public education survive? – Without a doubt. Will public education change? The answer is yes, and it is making long strides even now.
Todd StanleyProject-based learning
Why Failure Is Actually a Good Thing
by Todd Stanley5 minutes readAuthor and educator Todd Stanley talks about building endurance to failure — when you lose your fear of it, you take more risks.
It’s always important for a teacher to step back during this time of the year and take stock of what has been achieved in the first few months of school.
CommunityProject-based learningSocial Emotional LearningTamara Fyke
Questions to Answer Before We Move Forward
by Tamara Fyke4 minutes readSocial and Emotional Learning – Determining thoughtful plans to support the children, families, and communities we serve.
School ModelsCharles SosnikSTEAM in Education
Want to Save Public Education? The Answers Are Simple
7 minutes readIdeas that can be adapted by districts to begin to change the culture and bring students back.
School ModelsProject-based learningCharles Sosnik
The Teacher Exodus – Can Tech Fill the Gap?
9 minutes readThe Teacher Exodus – Can Tech Fill the Gaping Hole? Teachers are leaving the profession in record numbers, and we have no answers to this teacher exodus.
Connecting with KidsK-12 Teachers
Connecting with Kids: Proactive Behavior Management Strategies
5 minutes readThe time to teach the skills kids need for classroom management is before there is an issue.
CreativityProject-based learningPronita MehrotraProfessional DevelopmentEducators
Connecting Group Brainstorming and Creative Ideation
5 minutes readCreative brainstorming requires both individual and group work to flourish. Students need to build skills for both that produce better solutions and learning.