A two-pronged approach to engaging students, providing adaptive feedback, and discourage the use of unproductive shortcuts, like generative AI.
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Managing Higher Education Disruption through Planning
5 minutes readHigher education institutions must be prepared to provide high-quality education regardless of emerging trends and challenges.
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Have Librarians’ Value Diminished in the New Digital Age?
4 minutes readIf you were to take your eyes off of your book for one minute, you’d notice what has happened around you. Technology is advancing at warp speed; it’s everywhere and owned by everyone. But are establishments that provide books to the public able to survive?
The answer is yes. The librarian’s value has not diminished with the forthcoming of the digital age. Libraries are adapting to these changing times, and becoming thought leaders in utilizing technology for research purposes. -
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Where Do We Draw the Line? Free Speech in U.S....
4 minutes readedCircuit Opinion
It was a very eventful year for The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, commonly referred to as FIRE. There has been a great deal of pressure on Colleges and Universities to publicly confront issues amongst the student body including race, sexual assault, gay rights and politically correct comments. Many would argue that these institutions are getting too involved, others say that they are not intervening enough. -
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The Power of the Visual Presentation: Reasons to Revamp Your...
4 minutes readedCircuit Opinion:
To many, the thought of lecturing in front of a large group of people is incredibly daunting. For educators, this is their everyday reality. It’s easy to assume that skilled public speakers are naturally talented and that effective communications are a rare group of outspoken and articulate individuals. The reality is that one’s ability to present in an engaging and persuasive way must be learned and frequently practiced. Without this skill, it’s easy to lose your audience’s attention.
The Atlantic published that many college lectures today are deemed as dull. -
EducatorsK-12 TeachersCollege ProfessorsEdTechCoffeEd
What Role Will Games Play In The Classrooms Of Tomorrow?
23 minutes readIn this episode, Lee Banville discusses his role as editor of Gamesandlearning.org and editorial director of the Games and Learning Publishing Council.
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Life After Graduation: The Reality of College Loans and Underemployment
5 minutes readI can remember my college graduation like it was two months ago. Which, quite frankly, it was. I stood alongside my peers, anxiously anticipating walking across the commencement stage. The many families and friends in the audience cheered as my name was called, and the President of the College theatrically shook my hand in congratulations. A photographer took my picture as I proudly held my diploma. “It’s over!” I thought, “It’s finally over!”
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Why Professional Development Should Be Embraced in the Education Sector
4 minutes readThe word sabbatical brings to mind connotations of higher education. It’s unheard of for K-12 teachers to take time a one-year leave and dedicate themselves to research. Why is this not widely accepted? If teachers plan on remaining in their profession for an extended period, how will they build relevant knowledge and be better educators for their students?
Should teachers still learn? Scientific American understands the challenges of doing so. Teaching is a labor-intensive profession. It’s challenging to find access to innovative and informative workshops, and a new standard of professional development should be put into place. -
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Show Me The Money: Lack of Financial Literacy Education in...
3 minutes readTake a walk down memory lane with me. Imagine you’re entering the good ole’ college days again – your freshman year. You did everything in your power to avoid math classes in High School and hope to do the same now that you’ve reached higher education. Your new debit card is burning a hole in your pocket, and mom and dad are no longer around to tell you “no”. You’re officially on your own.
Today, too many students are getting away with not being immersed in economic courses. In fact, statistics show that it’s getting worse.