In this interview with Tom Sherrington, author of Rosenshine’s Principles in Action and a contributor to The researchED Guide to Education Myths (John Catt Educational), hear why it’s beneficial for teachers to understand the connection between research and classroom practice, why it’s a myth to believe that teacher-led and student-centered instruction are opposites, and more.
Dr. Kulvarn Atwal, author of The Thinking School: Developing a Dynamic Learning Community (John Catt Educational), you’ll hear why teachers who are skilled at facilitating student-led learning can create a school where deep thinking and high engagement are the norm.
K-12 TeachersColumnists
Working with the Building Blocks of Resilience
by Michael Hart2 minutes readIn this episode of True Literacy, Dr. Michael Hart establishes the basics of building resilience in children with dyslexia.
Tricia Taylor, author of Connect the Dots: The Collective Power of Relationships, Memory and Mindset in the Classroom (John Catt Educational), she discusses the three interconnected ideas of relationship, memory, and mindsets, and describes why their impact is so powerful on teaching and learning.
Michael Zwaagstra, author of A Sage on the Stage: Common Sense Reflections on Teaching and Learning (John Catt Educational), you’ll hear about some of the fads that are shortchanging students, and the evidence that debunks them.
CoffeEdK-12 TeachersFETC 2020
Two-Way Learning Between Conference Presenters and Attendees
2 minutes readIn this episode, Dr. Adam Phyall looks to connect while learning from other attendees, even those participating in his sessions.
Professional DevelopmentColumnistsProject-based learningTrue LiteracyK-12 Teachers
True Literacy: 3 Areas of Focus to Improve Reading Instruction
3 minutes readIn this installment of the True Literacy video column, Dr. Michael Hart shares his thoughts on the importance of establishing systemic processes ahead of intervention.
Zach Vander Veen discuss his thoughts on how American philosopher John Dewey may view our modern technology landscape.
In this episode, Marlo Gaddis discusses her extensive background to be of great benefit as she’s taken on her present role as CTO.