PBL planning with soft skill application provides students with skills for life
CreativityEducatorsSTEAM in EducationK-12 TeachersProject-based learning
Dyslexics who understand why their brain works the way it does learn coping mechanisms sooner.
Showing students STEM careers helps them visualize success.
K-12 TeachersCreativityEducators
Creativity: A Crucial 21st Century Skill
by Ian Egan6 minutes readCreativity is your main tool in problem solving.
EventConnected EducatorCreativityVideos
Sparking Creativity in Education
by Dr. Berger1 minutes readMolly McMahon, Program Director at IDEO and a leading voice at The Teachers Guild, talks about creativity in the classroom and the creative teachers that bring life to local schools. The Guild is run by by IDEO’s Design for Learning Studio and Riverdale Country School’s Delta Group. They are a team of educators and designers, inspired by teachers across the globe who are innovating every day. The Guild gives a special shout out to those who dare to experiment with The Design Thinking for Educators Toolkit.
Edu EntrepreneursCreativityAround the WebBusiness
How America’s Education Model Kills Creativity and Entrepreneurship
1 minutes readBy Batten Institute University of Virginia Darden School of Business T he current model of education in the United States is stifling the creative soul of our children. While this is troubling for a variety of reasons, it also has significant economic consequences for the future of our country. America has long been unique because of its remarkable ingenuity, innovative capacity and entrepreneurial spirit. Yet over the last few decades, we have witnessed both a steady decline in the number of startups, as well as an increasing number of studies that suggest America’s education model fails to promote the kind of creativity, risk-taking, and problem solving skills necessary for entrepreneurship, and for a world and labor market that is in the midst of profound transformation. These are very worrisome trends. Read the Rest of the Article on Forbes Site..
These hopes define positive classrooms for parents and students, so we provide Seven Strategies for Building Positive Classrooms below.