Science Safety, Inc., a leader in science, STEAM, CTE, and lab safety education, offers free methanol safety modules to all Virginia schools.
School Safety
On the WireSchool SafetyScience Safety
School SafetyEducatorsK-12 TeachersedLeadersAdministratorsProfessional Development
Risk Management for K-12 Schools
12 minutes readRisk management for k-12 can influence behaviors and choices involving field trips, sporting events, extra-curricular activities, and classroom teaching,
Methanol in K12 is a preventable hazard and many high school science departments have methanol in their chemical store rooms.
Online LearningSTEAM in EducationSchool Safety
Better Science and STEM Safety Approaches for New Teachers
12 minutes readNew Teacher Science and STEM Safety Approaches – Safer science is critical for the teacher as an instructor and employee and for the student as a learner.
Pronita MehrotraSocial Emotional LearningCreativitySchool Safety
What Animals Can Teach Us About Creativity
4 minutes readPronita Mehrotra discusses research on how rudimentary creativity skills demonstrated by different animal species give us clues about our own creativity.
Hybrid and Remote LearningSocial Emotional LearningOnline LearningProject-based learningCreativitySchool SafetyEducatorsDiversity, Equity, Inclusion
Not All Hands-On Learning Is Created Equal
7 minutes readCultivating an environment where students can risk failure is a critical foundation, but if a project is boring, it’s not going to move the needle on their motivation or the STEM gap.
Social Emotional LearningSchool SafetyBuilding the Bridge
Ep. 25 – All You Need to Know About Kids...
1 minutes readDr. Wendy Oliver provides an overview of popular social media apps and their uses including Discord, Instagram, TikTok and Messenger Kids.
Building the BridgeSchool Safety
Ep 22 – Avoiding “CyberTraps” in Education, Part 2 –...
1 minutes readIn this episode, participants share their observations on how parents and educators are managing the transition to a new digital learning environment, and what
In this episode, Dr. Wendy Oliver delivers a high-level overview of digital safety, and how it supports parents’ ability to safeguard their children.