Generative AI has the power to revolutionize the education system. As educators, it is our responsibility to embrace this technology and harness its capabilities.
Artificial Intelligence
AI in Education: From Virtual Tutors to Personalized Learning
3 minutes readArtificial intelligence (AI) is making its way into the education sector, promising to revolutionize the way we learn. With the rise of virtual tutors and personalized learning.
StudentsK-12 TeachersEdTech
The Impact of Stress on Academic Success: How Tech Can...
by Sam Bowman4 minutes readThe integration of EdTech tools, both in and out of the academic classroom, has the potential to significantly alleviate stress for both teachers and students.
Leveraging Technology to Provide Equitable Learning Experiences
4 minutes readK-12 Instructional Coach Ashley Bushell discusses how advancements in edtech are introducing innovative tools to address the “enrichment gap.”
EducatorsEdTechArtificial Intelligence
The Role of EdTech in Developing Media Literacy and Understanding...
by Sam Bowman4 minutes readPrior to integrating educational technology (EdTech) into the classroom, it is crucial for students to acquire media literacy skills.
Inspiring the Next Generation of Inventors Through Outdoor Tech Activities
by Sam Bowman5 minutes readEducation writer Sam Bowman shares how we must find new ways to inspire and encourage a diverse range of student inventors.
AdministratorsDiscovery EducationArtificial IntelligenceedLeaders
Key Questions for District Leaders When Considering the Use of...
by Pete Weir6 minutes readPete Weir discusses six important factors each school leader should ask before adopting Artificial Intelligence (AI) resources in the classroom.
K-12 TeachersAdministratorsProfessional Development
4 minutes readMichael Q. Roth, Ed.D, Deputy Superintendent of the Allentown School District, discusses the three most critical issues affecting schools in the post-pandemic.
EdTechGlobalBusinessEdu EntrepreneursDigital Citizenship
EdTech in Southeast Asia: Takeaways from travels to Vietnam and...
4 minutes read Southeast Asia is the fastest growing region in the world that’s rapidly digitizing. Here are five takeaways about the ed tech industry in Southeast Asia.