Safer Ed Episode 7 – show host and guest Dr. Tyler Love discuss safety in Career Technical Education (CTE) programs and STEAM careers.
Safer EdCook Center for Human Connection
A Discussion on Youth Mental Health Awareness
3 minutes readSafer Ed Episode 6 – show host and guest Anne Brown and Tobin Novasio discuss how schools and outside organizations can support youth mental health.
Safer Ed Episode 5 – show host and guest Dr. Chad Stevens discusses 21st Century School and home communication in K12 education.
K-12 TeachersedLeadersSTEAM in EducationSuperintendentsScience Safety
Can My School be Fined for Non-Compliance?
13 minutes readSchools can definitely be fined for non-compliance with legal safety standards and not using accepted better professional safety practices in STEAM Safety.
EdTechStudentsIndustry NewsSuperintendents
The K-12 Cyber Academy: New Way to Reimagine CTE
4 minutes readAs ed leaders think about new CTE, they might consider a Cyber Academy like Lakota Schools in OH given the pressing need to prepare students for a cyber world.
Safer Ed Episode 4 – show host and guests Frankie Jackson and Jeff Angle discuss cybersecurity challenges and threats in K12 education.
Safer Ed Episode 3 – show host and a guest, Jacqueline Monteith, discuss STEAM Safety for Students with additional needs.
In this episode of Safer Ed, Dr. Ken Roy emphasizes the significance of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in creating a safer classroom environment.
Join us as we exploreschool safety topics ranging from digital citizenship to stem and science lab safety, from bullying among students to school-wide trauma