Advocacy is what you do when you are actively supporting a cause such as expanding the emphasis on technology in your school.
In the United States and many other countries, students start their schooling career when they reach a certain age, for better or worse.
Professional DevelopmentPronita MehrotraArticle SeriesEducatorsK-12 Teachers
What Neuroscience Tells Us About Learning
8 minutes readAs our society advances even more, students will have to cover more and more content, this article explores the role neuroscience plays in that development.
AdministratorsBarbara BlackburnProject-based learningK-12 Teachers
Rigor in the Career Technical Classroom
5 minutes readRigor is more about quality than quantity and focuses on depth of understanding, this is particularly true in career technical learning.
K-12 TeachersAdministratorsPronita MehrotraMarket Research
When EdTech Tools Work and When They Don’t
4 minutes readDespite the vast potential of edTech tools, they can inadvertently create situations where student learning gets negatively impacted.
Pronita MehrotraCreativityUnfinished Learning
Address Unfinished Learning Using Creativity And Arts
5 minutes readWhat we need to address Unfinished Learning are more holistic approaches that build student enthusiasm, curiosity, and engagement toward learning.
K-12 TeachersedLeadersAdministratorsTodd StanleyCovid-19Educators
It’s Tough to Be a Teacher in Today’s Political Climate
by Todd Stanley4 minutes readI am in my 25th year in education, and I can say, without any compunction, that it is more difficult to be a teacher now than it ever has been in my career. The problem is not what you think it would be. It is a challenge to be a teacher for one simple reason; you never know what is going to be the next topic of turmoil.
Even a lot of digital curriculum is “flat,” being text-only pages with small amounts of motion by the scroll bar. Can digital reading programs change that?
Pronita MehrotraProject-based learningCreativity
Why Play and Imagination For Students is Essential
5 minutes readIn an ever changing education landscape we must prioritize play and imagination for students, this is a guide to foster required creativity.