Amy Nakamoto from Discovery Education sits down with Linn Parrish, Head of Partnerships at Takeda to talk about the connections between health and education.
Discovery EducationEditorialK-12 TeachersCommunityStudents
Digital CitizenshipEdTechGlobalBusinessEdu Entrepreneurs
EdTech in Southeast Asia: Takeaways from travels to Vietnam and...
4 minutes readSoutheast Asia is the fastest growing region in the world that’s rapidly digitizing. Here are five takeaways about the ed tech industry in Southeast Asia.
CommunityDiscovery Education
Leveraging Education Technology in a Hands-On Classroom
by Alex Porpora4 minutes readAlex Porpora, Discovery Education’s Mystery Science District Partnership Manager, explains how EdTech can be used as an effective classroom engagement tool.
Digital Equity Dashboard: Leveraging Compelling Public Data
3 minutes readCoSN announces the Digital Equity Dashboard, a powerful tool designed to help school districts and communities leverage data to close digital equity gaps.
Professional DevelopmentCommunityHiddenEducatorsK-12 Teachers
Teacher Mental Health: Causative Stress Factors
6 minutes readTeaching is a career devoted to a diverse generation of students. While altruistic, there is a tsunami of issues impacting teacher mental health.
Bringing Agility Into Our Classrooms
8 minutes readWhen the students begin using Agility, teacher energy increases and teachers get to enjoy teaching, building relationships, and having genuine conversations.
EdTechStudentsIndustry NewsSuperintendents
The K-12 Cyber Academy: New Way to Reimagine CTE
4 minutes readAs ed leaders think about new CTE, they might consider a Cyber Academy like Lakota Schools in OH given the pressing need to prepare students for a cyber world.
Anne Brown from the Cook Center for Human Connection shares how they help students and families. edLeaders emPowering Education Series at FETC.
EducatorsK-12 TeachersStudents
3 Tools Students Need To Tackle Injustice
by Kathy Dyer4 minutes readStudents need knowledge, skills, and values to learn about social justice and tackle injustice, helping those who need help or an advocate.