As July comes to a close, thousands of families swarm to the nearest stores and begin to cross items off of their college checklist. For those who need reminding, no one college dorm room is alike. But, according to CENGAGE Learning’s 2015 Student Engagement Insights survey, many of these students have more in common than you think. When asked, “what are your goals after college?” 80% of college students responded that they want a “good job/better job”. Is this attainable for recent college grads?
Forbes warns that it may not be.
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Are We Still Linking Socioeconomic Status to Student Outcomes?
2 minutes readJohn McLaughlin joined me for coffee, or should I say tea, to discuss his slightly emphatic reaction to recent studies looking at the role socioeconomic status has on students ability to achieve in U.S. schools. For additional perspective on this hot topic you might like to hear McLaughlin’s co-author Mark Claypool on this episode of CoffeED.
Curriculum ModelsStudentsParentsASCDK-12 TeachersInnovationEdTech
How Can We Engage Our Youngest Students?
by Dr. Berger1 minutes readThose of us in education business are often focused on managing the clock, the budget and the demands of an industry and clientele (students and teachers) desperately looking for smart technologies that provide student-centered learning opportunities and high levels of engagement.
ParentsAdvocatesSchool SafetyEditorialCommunityStudents
Cyberbullying: Grab the Tablet by the Horns!
7 minutes readby Sgt. Thomas Rich
This post, Understanding Cyberbullying Through Immersion: Educate, Empower, Engage, was originally published in SEEN Magazine.
Today’s technology has taken on a life of its own. Words such as “tweet,” “hashtag,” “snap” and “follow” have become integrated into our daily vocabulary. Every day there seems to be a new social media platform that kids are using, whether it’s Twitter, Snapchat, Yik Yak or Facebook. -
School SafetyK-12 TeachersStudentsParentsAround the Web
Social Media: What Special Education Teachers Need to Know
8 minutes readUpdate:
EditorialK-12 TeachersStudentsParentsAdvocates
Should We Train All Teachers to Work With Autistic Students?
2 minutes readJohn McLaughlin joins me to discuss the notion that schools should be training all teachers to work and understand students who are on the Autism Spectrum. McLaughlin also discusses what questions teachers should be asking about Autism to better inform the understanding and approach with both students and parents.
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Giving Students Power & Control
2 minutes readMike Anderson, frequent contributor to edCircuit and known as The Well Balanced Teacher, spent time with Dr. Berger at the ASCD conference in Atlanta, Georgia. Anderson discussed what occurs when students have more choices about their learning, stating that they find ways of learning that matches their personal needs. The result, says Anderson, is that students are more engaged in their work, building skills and work habits that will serve them well in school and beyond.
StudentsParentsAdvocatesDavid Greene
Philanthropy for Education: Behind the Smile
by David Greene3 minutes readIn David Greene’s latest article, he discusses the wealthy, fake education reform philanthropists, including the Broad and Walton Foundations.
SeriesDiversity, Equity, InclusionCommunityParents
Is Diversity Lacking in Autism Research?
2 minutes readJohn McLaughlin joins me to discuss research pertaining to special needs and the reported lack of diversity in the intervention programs meant to support children and their families.