A provisional teaching license can be a valuable tool for schools. They can help schools hire qualified teachers and help schools save money.
Copyright © 2014-2024, edCircuit Media – emPowering the Voices of Education.
A provisional teaching license can be a valuable tool for schools. They can help schools hire qualified teachers and help schools save money.
Schools can definitely be fined for non-compliance with legal safety standards and not using accepted better professional safety practices in STEAM Safety.
We must learn how to use technology to help students develop the skills and mindset they will need to navigate the world; Agile can help.
Developing a Curriculum for students with additional needs requires strategies including OPTIMIZE planning, blocking, and interleaving practice.
STEAM Safety Advice for New Teachers featuring legal safety standards and better professional safer practices. Must read for all educators!
@ FETC 23 Dr. Joseph Parlier discusses a new laptop from zSpace that allows for 3D interactions without needing glasses. edLeaders emPowering Education Series.
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