Risk Management in K12 STEAM is about understanding the hazards and resulting risks in STEAM programs as a necessary aspect of reducing shared liability.
School SafetyedLeadersAdministratorsSTEAM in Education
@ FETC 23 – Sam Deffes and Hilary Price – Learning Without Tears positioning and powerful professional development resources. edLeaders emPowering Education
edLeadersEducatorsSeriesOp-EdK-12 Teachers
The Sustainable Value of Competency-Based Education
3 minutes readThe future of education holds great promise – learn why competency-based education is the most sustainable and compelling model to train future teachers.
As new technology enters our classroom, educators must focus on building agile skills that will allow students to learn how to safely navigate these tools.
AdministratorsK-12 TeachersEducatorsedLeadersInnovation
Embracing Vigor over Rigor: Cultivating Agile Classrooms for Inspired Learning
5 minutes readBy adopting Agile methods, educators can transform their classrooms into vibrant learning ecosystems, fostering curiosity, creativity, & a passion for knowledge
Barbara BlackburnK-12 TeachersProject-based learningAdministrators
Rigor in the Career Technical Classroom
5 minutes readRigor is more about quality than quantity and focuses on depth of understanding, this is particularly true in career technical learning.Â
The edCircuit team recently traveled to FETC 23. This article outlines our discussion with Michael Bronder, CEO and co-founder of K12Leaders.
EdTechEducatorsAdministratorsK-12 Teachers
Agile For Learning – Part 1: Wide Open Questions
3 minutes readThe shift we must focus on is the development of Agile For Learning. This is distinctly different from a growth or fixed mindset.
CybersecurityAdministratorsMarket Trends
Mission Possible: 3 Keys to K-20 Cybersecurity
4 minutes readWith the increase in students, teachers, and administrators having to learn and work remotely, there has been an increase in serious k-20 cybersecurity issues.