SEL Exploring Character Education, a Return to Basics Part 2 – Character education produces benefits for both the school and the individual.
Tamara FykeCovid-19Social Emotional LearningCreativitySTEAM in Education
Todd StanleyProject-based learningCreativity
Creative Thinking Should Look Like Legos from the 80s, Not...
6 minutes readStudents are being prevented from using creativity more and more because we want them to be able to produce the learning that is on the outside of the box (i.e., the state testing).
Market TrendsDevishobha ChandramouliCovid-19Creativity
5 Reasons the Private Tutoring Market Is Exploding
4 minutes readWhile teachers, children, and parents are coming to terms with the new normal of education, another industry is booming — the private tutoring industry.
Professional DevelopmentPronita MehrotraProject-based learningCreativity
Why Intrinsic Motivation Is Essential for Creativity
5 minutes readIt’s clear that students need to have a high intrinsic motivation driven by autonomy, competence, and relatedness for more in-depth learning to take place.
EducatorsOnline LearningProject-based learningCreativity
Making Schools More Brain-Friendly
by Betsy Hill7 minutes readWe need to know about the brain when considering how to design educational experiences and improve learning outcomes
LeiLani CauthenCovid-19CreativityAugmented and virtual reality
The Real Barriers to the Necessary Digital Transition in Education
9 minutes readWith the addition of the pandemic, there’s an urgency for virtual and digital learning solutions and the need to unlock barriers.
CommunitySocial Emotional LearningDigital CitizenshipCreativity
Helping All Young People Express Themselves through Song
6 minutes readRowena Atkins, Founder and Chief Executive of Song Academy, shares her passion about the creativity and power of young people.
CreativitySTEAM in EducationEducatorsProfessional DevelopmentCovid-19Hybrid and Remote Learning
Q&A: Previewing a Free Educator Summit on Student Empowerment
6 minutes readIn this Q&A, Matt Miller shares a preview of the Soundtrap EDU Summit, including the practical skills educators can expect to learn and the reasons why this content is so timely.
Industry NewsOn the WireCovid-19Online LearningCreativitySchool Safety
Registration Opens for 2020-21 Conrad Challenge
3 minutes readThe Conrad Challenge invites students between the ages of 13-18 from around the world to form teams of 2-5 and develop sustainable solutions to global challenges.