The Bay District Schools in Panama City, Florida has their work cut out for them.
Online Learning
EducatorsK-12 TeachersInterviewsDiversity, Equity, InclusionOnline Learning
We want to create future-ready students.
edLeadersAdministratorsOnline Learning
A District Leader Who Views Parents as Partners in the...
3 minutes readParents are part of helping ensure that the conversation about what it means to be future ready is important.
Market TrendsOnline LearningAugmented and virtual reality
Distance Learning on the Rise
2 minutes readA recent study shows that the number of students taking at least one online course as a college undergrad is up over previous years.
edLeadersAdministratorsProfessional DevelopmentOnline Learning
What is Personalized Professional Learning?
by Ian Egan7 minutes readProper PPL is the only thing that will save the PBL revolution.
Online LearningEducatorsK-12 TeachersProfessional Development
In Professional Learning, One Size Does Not Fit All
by Ian Egan6 minutes readConfusion results from scaling PL to fit teaching context
InnovationEdTechOnline LearningedLeadersAdministrators
Personalized Learning: Changing the Way Students Learn
by Ian Egan6 minutes readLarge scale personalized learning initiative in Greenville County, SC
EducatorsedLeadersAdministratorsHybrid and Remote LearningOnline Learning
Encouraging Academic Integrity in Online Education
7 minutes readProviding online education with a sense of community decreases feelings of isolation and apathy while instilling a notion of academic integrity.
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Curriculum Redesign & Gaming with Jen Groff
12 minutes readIn this episode, Jen Groff discusses the differences between gamification in education and the innovators behind the technology.