Those in the EdTech industry and in education would do well to listen to what Susan has to say.
STEAM in EducationMarket TrendsProfessional Development
Professional Development in Education Never Ends
2 minutes readProfessional development (PD) is an ever-changing and never-ending journey for educators.
Professional DevelopmentLocalCoffeEdState
Los Angeles Accountability Professional Boils It Down to Equity
1 minutes readIn this episode, Deborah Atwell shares her experience in the Assessment and Accountability Division of the Los Angeles County Office of Education.
John Mikton has 24 years leading international schools through the edtech landscape.
Charles Sosnik reflects on the role of technology in children’s education and the Future of Education Technology Conference (FETC) 2018.
In this article, Charles Sosnik reflects on FETC 2018 with Dr. Sonny Magana, an award-winning educator and edtech researcher.
At FETC 2018, educational expert Charles Sosnick sheds light on how schools are looking into the future to ensure they purchase the right technology.
Charles Sosnick of edCircuit is currently at FETC 2018 in Orlando, Florida from January 23-26, exploring the latest trends and innovations in EdTech.
Project-based learningInnovationFETC 2018EdTech
Reinventing Learning for the Always-On Generation
by Ian Egan8 minutes readDigital learners have spent their entire lives operating at twitch speed and suffer from FOMO — Fear of Missing Out.