Over the past year the EdTech industry trends show a boom in innovation and growth with investment in new technology, content, and systems expanding rapidly.
Market Trends
Todd StanleyStudentsMarket Trends
The Challenge of Identifying Gifted Children from Poverty
by Todd Stanley6 minutes readIf you were to look at the highest performing districts on standardized tests in your state, you will find many challenges to identifying gifted children.
AdministratorsFuture EdMarket TrendsCovid-19
Better Together: Five Education Resolutions for a New Year
7 minutes readAs we enter a new year, we offer resolutions for educators, policymakers, and community leaders seeking to create a new possibility.
the market actually grew less than we expected in 2021, given that the three big stimulus bills were flooding the market, but at least 60 percent of the districts have yet to spend their full portions. A lot of that money hasn’t even moved out of the federal level into the districts.
There are stressors and trauma in the lives of children that can happen at any time and at any age.
There is a change in attitude about marketing in some public districts.
STEAM in EducationProfessional DevelopmentMarket Trends
Professional Development in Education Never Ends
2 minutes readProfessional development (PD) is an ever-changing and never-ending journey for educators.
Personalized learning is being touted in some circles as a cure-all in education
Market TrendsOnline LearningAugmented and virtual reality
Distance Learning on the Rise
2 minutes readA recent study shows that the number of students taking at least one online course as a college undergrad is up over previous years.