Are decoding, fluency, and comprehension enough for superior reading skills?
Home Educators
The goal is to find a way to connect students in a genuine and positive way to their schoolwork.
Something is rotten in the state of American education.
Todd StanleyEducatorsK-12 TeachersColumnists
“Rigor” and “Hard” Are Not The Same Thing
by Todd Stanley5 minutes readRigor is NOT giving more work to students with less time to do it.
EducatorsK-12 Teachers
Teachers and Social Media – Five Tips That Might Save...
by Ian Egan4 minutes readSocial media is a wonderful but complicated tool in the classroom.
Jennifer AbramsEducatorsK-12 Teachers
The Deep End – Advocacy: We should all be doing...
3 minutes readTeachers have a collective responsibility to be advocates for education as a field. Advocacy: We should all be doing it
Researchers say young brains are altered by chronic digital bombardment.
If attention is not paid to changing how educators think about grading and learning, reform will stall.
Band and orchestra creates an all-for-one and one-for-all mentality that can help kids throughout their lives and careers.