Career Technical Education (CTE) is evergrowing across K20 education. This month on edCircuit, contributors will discuss CTE, research, and applications.
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StudentsSocial Emotional LearningK-12 TeachersOp-EdMonthly Topic
Teaching the Teachers: SEL for K-12 Success
4 minutes readLearn how post-secondary schools of education can prepare the next-generation K-12 teachers to incorporate SEL in the classroom for student success.
Barbara BlackburnK-12 TeachersProject-based learningAdministrators
Rigor in the Career Technical Classroom
5 minutes readRigor is more about quality than quantity and focuses on depth of understanding, this is particularly true in career technical learning.Â
CybersecurityAdministratorsMarket Trends
Mission Possible: 3 Keys to K-20 Cybersecurity
4 minutes readWith the increase in students, teachers, and administrators having to learn and work remotely, there has been an increase in serious k-20 cybersecurity issues.
Parenting teenagers can be a challenging but rewarding experience, and using 5 evidence based parenting strategies can support your child to be successful.
The topic of responsible STEM chemical management is difficult due to the complicated and challenging nature of the legal and professional safety standards.
When a child gets a video game, what is the first thought that comes to mind? Let’s discuss some of the anxiety and expectancy of video games and childhood/parent psychology.
EducatorsSTEAM in EducationSchool SafetyProfessional DevelopmentAdministrators
Safety Training in STEM and CTE Programs a Necessity
16 minutes readSafety Training in STEM and CTE, why is it necessary and why you should do it.
CreativityPronita MehrotraUnfinished Learning
Address Unfinished Learning Using Creativity And Arts
5 minutes readWhat we need to address Unfinished Learning are more holistic approaches that build student enthusiasm, curiosity, and engagement toward learning.