We caught up with regular edCircuit contributor, Howard Pitler, at the ASCD annual conference to discuss what is and is not formative assessment in education.
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How Important is Play to Childhood Learning? Research Shows it’s...
4 minutes readedCircuit Opinion:
When I was younger, I often would gather with my neighborhood friends, head into the backyard, and spend hours digging a massive hole to China. We’d all attempt to use the shovels that were two times our size, all while fantasizing about what we’d do when we finally made it – or better yet if we hit the center of the earth! Many would not think twice about this scenario, and simply view it as kids being kids. But, child development researchers would analyze this situation much differently. -
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CoffeEd: Famed Singer Charlie Puth and VH1 Save The Music...
17 minutes readThe VH1 Save The Music Foundation in partnership with Grammy nominated singer Charlie Puth, and Casio America announced the 2016 winners of Keys + Kids, a competitive grant program created in response to the lack of functional pianos in public schools.
The 18 winning schools will receive a piano grant valued at $10,000 of instruments, including a Casio Grand Hybrid piano and three keyboards to support their school’s music, drama, and community programs.
EducatorsK-12 TeachersCollege ProfessorsCurriculum ModelsProfessional DevelopmentStudents
The Realities of Time in Education
7 minutes readThis post, COMPETENCY-BASED EDUCATION: The Working Definition, was originally published in SEEN Magazine and reprinted with Permission.
The advocacy for competency-based education (CBE) has grown considerably in mainstream education over the last few years. Out from the shadows of alternative education, the idea that skills based mastery leads to achievement has come of age. Universities, colleges, and K12 education now consider competency-based education a viable option for improving the quality and effectiveness of teaching.
Competency-based education has at its core an emphasis on achievement. -
Online LearningEducatorsK-12 TeachersCurriculum ModelsProfessional DevelopmentStudents
How Can Competency Based Learning Truly Impact Students?
11 minutes readThis post, MARCHING TOWARDS COMPETENCY: Competency Based Learning: Instruction that Matches the Needs of Each Student, was originally published in SEEN Magazine and reprinted with permission.
In theory, the choice is simple. Continue to implement a time-bound; age-based; one-size-fits-all curriculum-driven instructional model that has not served us well for many decades. -
Future EdVideosProject-based learningASCDK-12 TeachersInnovationSchool ModelsCurriculum Models
Can Project Based Learning Move the Education Needle?
1 minutes readJohn Larmer, Editor in Chief at the Buck Institute for Education (BIE), spent time with Dr. Berger at the annual ASCD conference in Atlanta. Larmer discusses the place Project Based Learning (PBL) has in 21st century learning. We also learn how districts approach teaching and learning from a PBL perspective. Larmer shares his advice for young people contemplating a career in education given his vast and diverse professional path.
Curriculum ModelsStudentsParentsASCDK-12 TeachersInnovationEdTech
How Can We Engage Our Youngest Students?
by Dr. Berger1 minutes readThose of us in education business are often focused on managing the clock, the budget and the demands of an industry and clientele (students and teachers) desperately looking for smart technologies that provide student-centered learning opportunities and high levels of engagement.
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Giving Students Power & Control
2 minutes readMike Anderson, frequent contributor to edCircuit and known as The Well Balanced Teacher, spent time with Dr. Berger at the ASCD conference in Atlanta, Georgia. Anderson discussed what occurs when students have more choices about their learning, stating that they find ways of learning that matches their personal needs. The result, says Anderson, is that students are more engaged in their work, building skills and work habits that will serve them well in school and beyond.
https://vimeo.com/161979315 Conrad Wolfram of Wolfram|Alpha, regarded as the preeminent voice and company in global math education visited with Dr. Berger to discuss the state of math education and his belief …