Ideas that can be adapted by districts to begin to change the culture and bring students back.
School ModelsProject-based learningCharles Sosnik
The Teacher Exodus – Can Tech Fill the Gap?
9 minutes readThe Teacher Exodus – Can Tech Fill the Gaping Hole? Teachers are leaving the profession in record numbers, and we have no answers to this teacher exodus.
In this episode, Jaime Donally delves into the expanding world of AR & VR and how increased awareness of their capabilities is revolutionizing the way we learn
In this episode, Tony Vincent shares new technologies inside the classroom that take a certain level of classroom management to be successful.
K-12 TeachersProfessional DevelopmentTrue Literacy
Five Tips to Deliver PD That Supports Reading Instruction
4 minutes readDr. Michael Hart, As reading proficiency levels stagnate, more states are taking a long, hard look at current practices and revamping their entire approach to reading instruction.
CreativityProject-based learningPronita MehrotraProfessional DevelopmentEducators
Connecting Group Brainstorming and Creative Ideation
5 minutes readCreative brainstorming requires both individual and group work to flourish. Students need to build skills for both that produce better solutions and learning.
In this episode, Eric Curts discusses his role as a Technology Integrationist at the Stark Portage Area Computer Consortium (SPARCC) in Canton, Ohio
Professional DevelopmentK-12 TeachersBarbara Blackburn
Academic Discourse: 4 Key Aspects
2 minutes readWith academic discourse, whether it is in response to a teacher’s question, discussion with other students, or generating questions, there are common problems.
CoffeEdProfessional DevelopmentFETC 2020Creativity
Building a Growing, Thriving Coaching Network
2 minutes readIn this episode, Brianna Hodges discusses her role as the edtech coordinator for Eanes ISD in Austin, Texas, as well as an edtech consultant and storyteller