Advocacy is what you do when you are actively supporting a cause such as expanding the emphasis on technology in your school.
Barbara Blackburn
K-12 TeachersAdministratorsBarbara BlackburnProject-based learning
Rigor in the Career Technical Classroom
5 minutes readRigor is more about quality than quantity and focuses on depth of understanding, this is particularly true in career technical learning.
Barbara BlackburnOnline LearningProject-based learningK-12 TeachersColumnists
3 Ways to Teach Students to Take Responsibility for Learning
5 minutes readIt’s important for teachers to provide opportunities for students to take responsibility for learning.
Barbara BlackburnCovid-19Cybersecurity
3 Strategies for Handling Make-up Work for Absentee Students
3 minutes readBarbara Blackburn, Ph.D., reflects on her time as a teacher and how she handled chronic absenteeism with struggling students.
Professional DevelopmentBarbara Blackburn
4 Strategies to Pair with Parents and Families for Student...
5 minutes readThere are specific strategies that will help students, teachers, and families connect and build relationships to lead to Student Success.
4 Ways to Implement Change. The four stages of the BASE model reflect a commitment to continuous improvement in schools.
Barbara BlackburnK-12 TeachersProfessional Development
Academic Discourse: 4 Key Aspects
2 minutes readWith academic discourse, whether it is in response to a teacher’s question, discussion with other students, or generating questions, there are common problems.
Professional DevelopmentBarbara BlackburnK-12 Teachers
3 Ways to Use Exit Slips in Your Classroom
3 minutes readExit slips are a popular strategy for receiving instant feedback on a student’s level of mastery, explaining what they learned during the lesson
Barbara BlackburnProject-based learningK-12 TeachersProfessional Development
Rigorous Assessments: Not This, But That
5 minutes readRigorous Assessments – Incorporating higher levels of thinking in assignments will ultimately lead to increased learning.