In this episode, Nhon Ma shares insights into his life, which explains his motivation for creating and shaping Numerade, along with the changes during COVID-19.
STEAM in Education
CoffeEdHybrid and Remote LearningSTEAM in Education
EdTechFETC 2020Project-based learningCreativitySTEAM in Education
Leveraging Emerging Trends to Produce Future-Ready Students
5 minutes readFETC presenter Sylvia Martinez will present an Edchat Interactive webinar, Education Practices for the 4th Industrial Revolution, on Tuesday, October 22, at 8 pm ET.
School ModelsSTEAM in EducationCharles Sosnik
Want to Save Public Education? The Answers Are Simple
7 minutes readIdeas that can be adapted by districts to begin to change the culture and bring students back.
EdTechFETC 2020Augmented and virtual realitySTEAM in Education
How AI, AR and VR Fit into Today’s Classrooms
5 minutes readRachelle Dene Poth will present an Edchat Interactive webinar, Emerging Tech: Transforming Classrooms with AI, AR and VR, on Tuesday, October 1, at 8 pm ET
K-12 TeachersProject-based learningSTEAM in EducationEducators
A Nuanced Approach to Successful Classroom Learning
5 minutes readAI should not handcuff teachers, nor monitor behavior – it should exist to help the educator professionally.
FETC 2020Online LearningCreativityAugmented and virtual realitySTEAM in EducationEventsEdTech
Meet Your Favorite EdTech Authors at FETC 2019 (Part 3)
10 minutes read“Meet the Author” session for Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Digital CitizenshipCreativityAugmented and virtual realitySTEAM in EducationSchool SafetyCybersecurityEdTechProfessional Development
Meet Your Favorite EdTech Authors at FETC 2019 (Part 2)
18 minutes read“Meet the Author” session for Tuesday, January 29, 2019
In this episode, Steve Elizondo shares his experience working in group homes and later teaching students from diverse backgrounds.
Parents and teachers must be proactive and continuously seek ways to improve their children’s technological literacy.