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EdgeMakers and STEM Learning Lab Announce Merger
6 minutes readA combination of high-quality STEM programs with groundbreaking innovative thinking curriculum
Industry NewsProfessional Development
Social-Emotional Learning Tools to Hispanic-Serving School Districts
4 minutes readLove In A Big World and HACU partner to increase access to social-emotional learning tools in Hispanic-Serving School Districts.
Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS program) is designed to impact students at multiple levels, from core content to secondary and intensive interventions.
Andrea Chavez-Kopp will be presenting at FETC 2019
The most successful-driven initiatives are community-driven initiatives.
CreativityFETC 2020Professional DevelopmentEdTech
FETC 2019 Presenter Preview: Eric Sheninger
5 minutes readFETC 2019 presenter Eric Sheninger
edLeadersFETC 2020AdministratorsProfessional Development
FETC 2019 Presenter Preview: Joe Sanfelippo
5 minutes readFETC 2019 presenter Dr. Joe Sanfelippo
FETC 2019 presenter Adam Bellow